Monday, March 10, 2008

Hard question ?

I was with Gerald today at Com Center 3 and had a little chat, he told me he's gonna quit smoking! whose the lady ? haha. He posted a question, how you would answer if your love one asked, "What's love? Why you love me?" I answered, a feeling that cant be describe by words. Well that common answer to him. Thus he gave a new creation, "(1)Just like a mute person who eat something very delicious and his unable to express it (2)You can live without the person".

My definition used to be the following - you are willing to do ANYTHING for the other party - even death!

Next I returned him a favor, what if your love ones asked, "How much you love me" ? He's answer : "It's unmeasurable" my turn to say common =D. My answer : "More than you love me!"

If you have interesting answer on the above questions, drop a note in the comment.
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