Sunday, January 17, 2010

Blogging education part 1

Questions to get more comments interaction with readers

what you think ? how do you feel, what will you do, what's your opinion, what's your story

Very first step of creating online income - "what do you want ?" Goals/target
Somewhere i learn setting SMART Goals
* S Specific
* M Measurable
* A Attainable
* R Relevant
* T Time-bound

Sam is committed to make SGD$30,000 online by 31 Dec 2010.
SGD$30,000 equal to approximate USD$22,000
which is
$423.07 USD per week
$60.27 USD per day
$2.51 USD per hour
$0.04 USD per minutes

GOLDEN question : What do i need to do make $60.27 USD per day
1) google adsense - already register

2) nuffnang ads - already register

3) Private advertiser - get sellers contact who wish to advertise. sellings AK cards, merchandise.

4) Sell my own products - create animal kaiser guide book

5) Promote other's products - what's is relevant to my blogging topic?


10 things i wish i know - commenting and start networking early
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