Thursday, June 08, 2006

Granny - Regret

Things just happen before you know it.

On Monday, granny sky dive off the kitchen window and died. It was worst than shocked the moment i heard the news from my bro, BLANK.

Lately, she has been telling my mum that she saw those 'old' uncles and auntie appearing and talking to her. She's having hallucination but what caused it was unknown. But some chinese superstitious believe that its time for the living to enter the other world when you start seeing image of those already dead.

It could be the difficult and demanding treatment she got from my great grandma and perhaps other factors. Sadly, i m not really close to those relative on my mum side thus i know little.

About 3 weeks ago, i got to know the news that granny state of mind is unstable. My uncles bought her for doctor consultation (western and chinese sensei)and even those median but progess of her condition seem slow. I decided to visit her during one of the weekends. Somehow i did put it to priority and have been delaying my visit.

The long delayed visit finally been done yesterday, but it was heart-aching. I can only watched her peaceful face sliently from the side of her coffin. Physically she's so near but actually it's so far. In my mind, "WHY DIDNT I TURN UP EARLIER".

There's millions or even billions of tasks in life, majors and minors co-exist. Do not let those minor task delay or obstruct your major item. Even for major item, they can be catergorize under 1)urgent not important 2) important not urgent 3)urgent and important. Set your priority accordingly and ACT!!

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