Kinda of blur and dazed feeling, my souls isnt complete man. Shortly after my dinner, took a cabbie down to east coast for the bbq - 13.6 fare. Prove tat east coast is rather far from where i stay. Usually my cab fare doesnt exceed 10 bucks on normal hours.
Its been a quite awhile since the last bbq, but I WANT the bacon!!! darn those who ate so much bacon. I only gotten one of the last 3 pieces left. Out of the hmm abt 30 ppl i only managed to remember a few new faces (its a guild outing - World of warcraft, knights of the vanguard) and talked to a few of them. Took some pics before we left for another place. (waiting for pic 2)
Ok ard midnight,landed up in HKcafe to welcome my ryuichi san back from Bath. Didnt chat much with him man, we were both sitting at the ends of the long table. And we were shouting across 2 persons between us hahHa. Oh he's holding my dream phone man - nokia 8800,

but its just way out of my budget to spend that amount on phones for now. Hey where's all the travelling pics dude.(waiting for pic 3)
Will worldcup be a good excuse for tml morning ? haha
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