I wanted to get my hands on collector's edition for World of Warcraft Burning Crusade expansion. Thought a month before the official date of release would be enough to make the pre-order purchase but I was wrong.
First I make the pre-order via a friend's friend in mid October, once the acknowledgment came, I was happy(no searching high and low). One month later, the seller told my friend that he's unable to get the Collector Edition only the normal version. arghhhhh
Thus my search on the web began, went to a few sites like gamespot, amazon etc, the item was listed there but "sold out" man. Did a check on eBay and expecting the price to be higher than retail. Yes indeed, someone putting it for USD 219.99 which is like
219.99 USD United States Dollars | = | 338.899 SGD Singapore Dollars |
The price is ridiculous.
The search continued ......
finally found one site which might still have the stock.
HMV.co.uk They are selling for
39.99 GBP United Kingdom Pounds | = | 121.171 SGD Singapore Dollars |
Here's the product and it's content :

• World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade on both CD and DVD
• World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Behind-the-Scenes DVD
• The Art of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Hardcover Art Book
• Exclusive In-Game Pet: Netherwhelp
• Two World of Warcraft Trading Card Game Starter Packs, plus Exclusive Cards
• Map of Outland Mouse Pad
• World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Soundtrack CD
PS : Those who are interested WHY 5 Million people are playing World of Warcraft, I still have four 10 Days trial CD-key invite. Drop me a note.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?