What's your guess on the above ? What's the test about ? Clue: Mirrors Mirrors & Mirrors.
For the month of October, I spent a total of $614 solely on my driving lesson - About 3 times a week with minimum 1 circuit drive per week. For the whole driving course, I paid $1041.25 (include administrative charges and 20 lessons). One good way of increasing your chances of passing, track how much you spend. Before the test date, I kept telling myself - I NEED TO PASS it with 1 try ELSE I will be paying even MORE. Method no. 2, identify specifically the car (be as specific as you can the model, brand, colour, car plate etc) that you WANT to drive. This one of my goal.
3rd Method, get a job that require you to travel around provide you transport allowance. Will be easier to maintain a self own vehicle =D.
Oh back to the test date, I had a lesson before the test to warm up myself senses and muscles but the weather was bad - raining arghhh. Lucky me by the time I went into the car with the tester, it's only drizzling. Benefit of those taking your driving test at SSDC, you will pick a ping pong ball to determine your test route. Thereafter, you tester will look for you. On first impression, the tester gave me a shock! I was the second last to be called, the tester called for my name and walked towards another room thus I followed. He turned over and look sharp into my eyes, "Why are you following me? Go wait in the car" Why I followed him ? 1) The previous candidates followed their tester. 2) He didn't give any instruction to me.
In my mind, GOSH bad start .... I tried to start conversation with him inside the car and well he start telling me about this 30+ years being tester and tour with his family. He was telling me that chatting helps to reduce your tension. Do you want me to continue chatting with you ?Nice guy huh =D
Learnt a phase from him, 船靠丁,人靠命,气车lorry靠望后竟。 rythm right. The whole test route drive seem so fast compare to the normal driving lessons. When we arrived back at the test center, he took out the score sheet and started ticking. Less than 15 sec and he was done with the ticking. He said, "Go to the counter and pay" - In my mind, arghh what does that mean ? PASSED - go pay for your license or Failed go book again. But the overall good feelings tell me it towards the positive side. Before I can check on the result my instructor came over and take the score sheet. Smiling at me, he said in hokkien, "Are you lucky, I know this tester and I told him that you are my nephew that why you can pass". What do you guys think ? I pass soley because of what he says to the tester? I don't think so, maybe that note will give the tester a more lenient mindset if the testee is F up, he/she is F up.
<br>Here's my score sheet,

You will need to pay $50 for the photocard license and it takes about 2 weeks to deliver. **Note:Bring along a passport size photograph else you have to pay $6 for the instant shots.
PS :Lijin, How much are you paying for your Vios monthly? And duration ? Misc expenses ? Anyone who own a vehicle, wish to share your views on buying a car ?