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M1 - Hyde
M2 - Ah beng
If your surname is ONG, this banknote is the best representation of your first note. An extremely rare and unique piece. A great conversational piece with your friends and relatives.
Price : $8,000 USD
I remember my dad showing me the orchid series of Singapore notes, but this look older.
Had some interesting convesation with Vic and Colin over lunch, no idea how we landed on the Angbao money topic (CNY coming maybe, haha) Topic : "What's the biggest Ang Bao you have received ? Vic told me a few year big his Ang Bao money total can sum up to around 2k on good year and minimum 800-1k on not so good year. I was like OMG.... throughout my 24 years, think my highest grand total with my parents Big Ang Bao at most near to 500 and biggest from relative was 30+. Colin highest was a rich client of his mum, $50. Vic got $200 from uncle. What's the highest you got ? Calm ya mind and think carefully ............if more than 1k, does you uncle/auntie wants godson ? =D