Jo suffered the worst, apart from the conventional eggs, ice cube, flour, whipped cream spray Guess what I brought ????????

Got 1 Bottle of cooking oil from Cheers

As for zk, we throw him into the pool during winter season in the middle of the night. Simple and nice.
Maybe due to the above past records, when I send out an SMS to fox on the day of his birthday, asking him out for dinner at Geylang, he replied " Dun do anything funny hor, later I dun turn up." In my mind, even if I really got "something" for you, do you think I will openly tell you ? haha. Well it was a pretty delicious dinner, we had 2 pots frog legs(gong bao + jiang chong) plus 3 other dishes at "G7" quite popular man full house filled with hungry customers. 6 persons sum up to about 70+.
Here's some of the celebration pictures,

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